Full list of publications available on Google Scholar. Below is some recent, relevant work.

Global organelle profiling reveals subcellular localization and remodeling at proteome scale (Cell) Icon
December 31, 2024

In collaboration with the Computational Biology and Mass Spectrometry platforms at CZ Biohub SF, we developed Organelle Profiling, a high-resolution strategy to map subcellular organization using organelle immunocapture coupled to mass spectrometry.

protoSpaceJAM: an open-source, customizable and web-accessible design platform for CRISPR/Cas insertional knock-in (Nucleic Acids Research) Icon
June 26, 2024

In collaboration with the Computational Biology platform at CZ Biohub SF, we present protoSpaceJAM, an open-source algorithm to automate and optimize gRNA and HDR donor design for CRISPR/Cas insertional knock-in experiments at the genome-wide scale. protoSpaceJAM utilizes biological rules to rank gRNAs based on specificity, distance to insertion site, and position relative to regulatory regions. protoSpaceJAM can introduce ‘recoding’ mutations (silent mutations and mutations in non-coding sequences) in HDR donors to prevent re-cutting and increase knock-in efficiency.

An open-source FACS automation system for high-throughput cell biology (PLOS One) Icon
March 21, 2024

Recent advances in gene editing are enabling the engineering of cells with an unprecedented level of scale. But sorting large numbers of samples is laborious, and to date, no automated system exists to sequentially manage Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) samples. Here, in collaboration with the Bioengineering platform at CZ Biohub SF, we describe the development of an integrated software and hardware platform to automate FACS, a central step for the selection of cells displaying desired molecular attributes. Automation eliminates operator errors, standardizes gating conditions by eliminating operator-to-operator variations, and reduces hands-on labor by 93%.

Self-supervised deep learning encodes high-resolution features of protein subcellular localization (Nature Methods) Icon
July 25, 2022

In partnership with our colleagues from the Royer lab at the Biohub, we developed cytoself, an innovative deep-learning-based approach for fully self-supervised protein localization profiling and clustering. (See preprint here.)

OpenCell: Endogenous tagging for the cartography of human cellular organization (Science) Icon
March 11, 2022

This paper describes the first release of our flagship OpenCell dataset. We combined CRISPR, confocal live-cell imaging, mass spectrometry and machine learning to map the sub-cellular localization and interactions of 1,310 human proteins. We show that unsupervised clustering of our dataset facilitates biological discovery. (See preprint here.)

Pervasive functional translation of noncanonical human open reading frames (Science) Icon
March 6, 2020

In this collaboration with the Weissman lab at UCSF, we used our live imaging and proteomics pipeline to discover new functions for micro-peptides, very short proteins that are encoded all throughout the genome and whose function remains very mysterious.