Sonya Zilka

Chief People Officer, CZ Biohub Network

An expert in organizational development and human resources, Sonya Zilka has held leadership positions in a variety of industries, including entertainment, technology, biopharma, international development, and philanthropy. She brings global and cultural awareness to her role, having lived and worked internationally in Europe, Australia, and Asia.

Zilka serves on the Board of Trustees for Biocom’s Beyond Benefits Trust and is an ambassador for the Gates Foundation Alumni Network. She has served as co-chair of the Seattle Women’s Commission and has served in both paid and volunteer positions in a variety of nonprofit organizations, including Planned Parenthood, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Women’s Leadership Initiative. Zilka also currently advises two Bay Area arts institutions.

Zilka graduated from General Electric’s Human Resources Leadership Program in 1998 and has a master’s degree in organizational psychology from Columbia University.

Sonya Zilka