Yasin Şenbabaoğlu, Ph.D.

Platform Leader

Originally from Istanbul, Turkey, Yasin Şenbabaoğlu moved to the U.S. to pursue a career integrating quantitative and biological sciences. He received his undergraduate degree from Cornell University with concentrations in computational biology and statistical genomics, his Masters in statistics from UC Berkeley, and Ph.D. in bioinformatics from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He then did his postdoc at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center working on multiple aspects of cancer, such as cancer systems biology, cancer genomics, and cancer immunology. After his postdoc, Şenbabaoğlu stayed at MSKCC for another year as a Senior Scientist focusing on cancer immunology.

In 2016 he moved to Genentech, where he collaborated with cancer immunology scientists to discover novel immunotherapy targets for immune desert and stroma-rich immune-excluded tumors. After five years, he switched his focus to biomarker development where he developed multimodal AI tools to discover spatial biomarkers of response to cancer immunotherapy. At CZ Biohub SF, Şenbabaoğlu leads the Computational Biology platform, which is focused on developing computational methods, pipelines, and software to enable Biohub research.